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Volume modulation
DCO modulation can be done via LFO and/or ENV. The second DCO sports a rare feature that allows volume modulation via ENV. Since velocity can control the level of envelope amount, you’re able to create organic textures with the second DCO coming and going depending on the amount of velocity.
I own this JX-8 P for some years and its sonic versatility impresses me. Often it can be read like there’s Crossmodulation allowing you metallic sounds. But in fact, this even offers a work around for the missing pulse width modulation: Chose pulse for both oscs. Then turn either to Crossmodulation or Sync2. Now (depending on the mode) either modify the coarse or the fine tuning of OSC2 to test it: It sounds like the pulse is getting thicker or thinner! Now apply an LFO for the OSC2-Pitch. There you have something which reminds a lot on PWM.
making a "hoover" on the mks 50
Q do you know how it is possible to make that sound on a ROLAND JP8080 or JX-8P? I don't think that only the alpha juno (MKS 50) is capable of doing those hoover sounds?!.
A the key to the sound is the PWM saw, which im pretty sure the 8080 emulates, not sure about the jx8p tho since i never had one add some pwm square, a hint of noise and chorus and voila, hooverland
Unison modes
Another tip cause it’s not readable often: The Unison Mode does not use all 12 oscillators. When pressing Unison, you still have 3 voice polyphony. It actually uses 2 voices/4 oscs so to speak. Press the Unison a second time so it flashes. Now the second voice is lowered by one octave. Now – where is the real Unison? Press the Solo button 2 times so it flashes. Now you really hear all the power on one key. Also, the Poly Mode has a double layer: Here the retriggering is altered so Envelopes and all that do not restart for new keys.
it DOES self oscillate while sinc-ing, if You own a 8p, try it
DCO wrap
88 note keyboard may pass DCO range,not patch range and cause register wrap around with higher or lower oscilator no matter what mode you are in unison, poly or solo. Therefore changing octave, xmod sound or sync sound expected.
You cannot go lower and lower or higher and higher. Example DCO pitch 16' 8' 4' 2' set to 2' played on higher octaves will go down to 4' then back up to 2'. It is not a phasing problem, how digital is a DCO then? Are the DCO's prgrammed to wrap around? It is not A VCO that would go higher in pitch. I love it.
Cross modulation
A fav technique of mine is to fool around with the Osc Sync features. It includes 2 levels of OSc Sync and a FM-like cross modulation setting. You can get all sorts of timbres out of the JX by utilizing these features that would be impossible on any other machine.
Thank you