Korg DS-10 - Sequencer and KAOSS

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Sequencer editing
The SYNTH 1 and 2 support some Track automation using the KAOSS Pad.
You have to use the KAOSS Pad to assign the SYNTH parameters for automation lane X and lane Y.

Here's an overview of the SYNTH and DRUM Sequencer Track edit screens.
cycle through the different pages using this button.

SYNTH Sequencer Parameter   Sequencer Values KAOSS Pad
1 Note : C0 .. B7 Button 1
2 Gate : 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, LEGATO
3 Volume : 12 levels: Level 0 .. 11 Button 2
4 Pan : L2, L1, C, R1, R2
5 KAOSS X - set parameter manually : 12 levels: Level 0 .. 11 Button 3
6 KAOSS Y - set parameter manually : 12 levels: Level 0 .. 11
DRUM Sequencer Parameter   Sequencer Values  
1 Note : C0 .. B7  
2 Gate : 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, LEGATO, 1 SHOT
3 Volume : 12 levels: Level 0 .. 11
4 Pan : L2, L1, C, R1, R2

Legato function
When the GATE is set to LEGATO, the GATE stays active, when the next Step also contains a Note.
That means, the Envelopes are not retriggered, but keep going during the next note.
This way, you can:
- change the note during the Envelope Release Time
- keep the Envelope on the Filter going for more than 1 Step

One shot function
You can decide if the Drum sample plays for 25% to 100% of the Step length. With 25% the sample will get cut off very fast.
However, when the Drum sample is longer than the Step length, it still gets cut off before the next step. It make no difference if the next step is empty.
To make sure the sample plays until it is finished, select a "One shot" Gate setting. This is especially handy when the Drum sample is longer than the Step length.

"One shot" is the default Gate setting for the Drum samples, because that makes sense.

Let's continue with the SYNTH Live recording possibilities.

Live Recording possibilities for the SYNTH
(1) Using the Piano keyboard:
- every recorded Note receives a standard LEGATO Gate time.

(2) Using the KAOSS Pad

Button X and Y Recorded into the Sequencer
1 NOTE and GATE A bit more "exact" than using the Keyboard.
See the recorded possible SYNTH Note and Gate values in the previous table
2 VOLUME and PAN See the recorded possible SYNTH Volume and Pan values in the previous table
3 set parameter Y and Y manually Set the desired parameters using the SET button.
Recorded levels between 0 and 11.



The KAOSS Pad supports a grid-resolution of 12 levels voor every automation step.

Some constraints:
(1) The SYNTH knobs can be automated with the KAOSS Sequencer pages. You can use 12 level values in the Sequencer pages.
However, some knobs only have 2 settings, some have 4 and some knobs have a much finer resolution than the 12 levels the Sequencer supports.
The Sequencer has to make a translation to the 12 levels it can remember. For knobs with a very fine resolution, you will of course lose the fine detail in using the KAOSS Sequencer for automation.

(2) You can set the knob levels by hand of course. Or you can automate max 2 knobs (one X and one Y) using the KAOSS Sequencer. You can set or clear every KAOSS automation step of the Pattern. When an automation step is clear, the knob springs back to the level that you set by hand.
In other words: the KAOSS Sequencer does not "HOLD" the automation step level for the next step automatically.

After selecting the KAOSS Pad, you can choose the X and Y values with the "1,2,3" buttons.

- Button 1 corresponds with the NOTE and GATE Sequencer screen (you can also SET the KEY and the SCALE).
- Button 2 corresponds with the VOLUME and PAN Sequencer screen (no extra settings available).
- Button 3 corresponds with the KAOSS X and KAOSS Y Sequencer screen (you can SET which Synth-part the X and Y values control)

So this "1,2,3" button arrangement has the same order and options as the 6 Sequencer screens for the 2 Synths.
Of course the KAOSS options are paired (X and Y).

Depending on your needs for the KAOSS Button 3, you set the Movement to "Stepping" or "Smooth".
This setting is remembered by the Sequencer, for each SYNTH.
- HLD: hold. During Play, the KAOSS X and Y value is only read every Step of the Sequence.
- SMT: smooth changes. During Play, the KAOSS X and Y value is interpolated between Steps, for smoother movements.

The options for KAOSS X and KAOSS Y are:

And the settings correspondent with these knobs of SYNTH 1 and SYNTH 2.

These are the parameters of the Synths that can be automated in the Sequencer with the KAOSS pad.
Patch cords can not be automated.

Synth Knobs and and corresponding KAOSS automation levels
Some of the KAOSS levels will automate knobs that only have a few discrete settings, like VCO Wave.
These are the KAOSS levels for the knob settings.

lower 3 slots : triangle
mid-lower 3 slots : saw
mid-upper 3 slots : square
upper 3 slots : noise
lower 6 slots : OFF
upper 6 slots : ON
lower 6 slots : EG
upper 6 slots : GATE
lower 4 slots : LPF
middle 4 slots : HPF
top 4 slots : BPF
lower 6 slots : OFF
upper 6 slots : BPM

Here's the visual representation of the Sequencer lanes for the WAVE and FILTER TYPE settings:

VCO 1 and 2 WAVE


KAOSS automation for the MG FREQ
Just to be complete, MG Frequencies that can be achieved with the 12 KAOSS Sequencer levels.

    MG wave restarts after
12 : 0,333 steps audio level
11 : 0,666 steps audio level-ish
10 : 1,5 steps near audio level
9 : 2 steps faster
8 : 3,5 steps fast
7 : 4 steps 0,3 seconds
6 : 6,5 steps 0,6 seconds
5 : 8 steps 1,2 seconds
4 : 12 steps 2,5 seconds
3 : 32 steps 6 seconds
2 : 64 steps 19 seconds
1 : 128 steps never


Some points of interest
The X and Y KAOSS Sequencer screens hold the automation values. You decide which 2 Synth options will be automated with this data. So you can only automate 2 buttons. There is no room in the Sequencer for the automation of more buttons.

It is not possible to record the knob movements for SYNTH 1 and 2. You have to use the KAOSS Pad or the Sequencer KAOSS pages to enter the knob values. You can even choose to send the automation values to a different knob afterwards.

The "live record" button is only available on the Keyboard and the KAOSS screen for SYNTH1 and SYNTH2. When you switch Recording to "On", the DS-10 drops out of Recording when you switch to another screen. So you can not automate the knobs by turning them during live recording. You have to use the KAOSS Sequencer and assign the KAOSS to a paticular knob.

The DRUM synths do not have a Keyboard or a KAOSS Pad, so the DRUM synths knobs can not be automated. Only their Note, Gate, Volume and Pan.

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