SIEL DK70 Manual - Cakewalk SysX setting

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Add the "dump request" macro (drm) to Sonar / Cakewalk

- open Windows Explorer

Sonar 6, WinXP:
- go to C:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\Cakewalk\SONAR 6 Producer Edition\
- open "cakewalk.ini" (not "drm.ini").

Cakewalk 6, Win98:
- go to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk Pro Audio\
- open "WINCAKE.INI"

- Look for [Dump Request Macros]
  Create such a line if it's not in the file
- Add the following 3 lines beneath:

> Siel Dump Request Patch ##...=F0 21 00 FE F7
> Siel Dump Request Patch 40=F0 21 00 28 F7

- the ">" takes care of the alphabetic order: Siel is now the first entry.
  - the first line is a comment
  - the second line contains the placeholder "FE" which triggers an input box. enter a decimal patch number,
    the three dots are not required
  - the third line just requests patch number 40 (hex 28)
- Save

Sonar 6, WinXP:
after Save, you don't have to restart Sonar, the "cakewalk.ini" file will be read every time you press the Arrow Down in SysX View

Cakewalk 6, Win98:
restart Cakewalk to load the new WINCAKE.INI

- switch on receiving dump request macros: Settings > Type Filter > [x] System Exclusive
  (else the "Receive" button in the SysX panel will be unavailable)

- hook up MIDI IN and OUT to the Siel
- go to View > SysX
- Sonar 6: press the "Arrow Down" (Receive Bank) button
- Cakewalk 6: press the "Receive" button
- popup appears, click the line "> Siel Dump Request Patch 40" and see what happens

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